Kia Tū Trade Training Programme - open for enrolments!
We’re excited to announce that the Kia Tū Trade Training Programme will be offered at the Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) in 2024!
Our collaboration with SIT means you can connect directly to training and employment opportunities in Murihiku-Southland.
Cost: FREE!
When: Starts Tuesday 6 August 2024
Where: Southern Institute of Technology (SIT), Invercargill
Course length: 8 weeks
Enrol now:
- Contact our Programme Coordinator: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
- Or see your Work and Income Case Manager to enrol.
We are living in uncertain times. Hokonui Rūnanga established Murihiku Regeneration to build a regenerative economy that will support future generations.
To achieve this we will use and leverage our principles of kaitiakitanga – through innovation, protecting the environment, and effective decision-making in the national interest.
We are about:
- Acknowledging our mana whenua and crown partnership
- Supporting community, education, upskilling, environment and industry
- Training, work force capability development, and alignment to industry development
- Creating development opportunities through commercial and community partnerships
- Taking a long-term intergenerational approach
Read our Vision Statement and Purpose.
Find out about Governance and Leadership.