2022 Hokinga Whakaaro Murihiku Leaders Programme complete
On Wednesday 9 November the 10 strong leaders group participating in the Murihiku Hokinga Whakaaro Leaders Course, completed their 2022 programme and were presented their course certificates in Invercargill, by Programme Patron and Upoko Ta Tipene O’Regan.
Tā Tipene’s parting wisdom to the group was that leadership is a privilege and that the mark of a good leader was about showing others that you cared, not just what you knew.
Senior leaders from the participant’s organisations were also in attendance for this final session.
The leadership programme, sponsored by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Ministry of Social Development and Te Puni Kokiri, has been running for 10 months through 2022. Its purpose is to help build and develop leadership capacity within the Murihiku region through the development of leaders from across Iwi, Government, Business and Community sectors- strengthening connection and helping to grow stronger community capability.
Participants in this years programme came from a diverse range of organisations including Murihiku Regeneration, Ministry of Education, Hokonui Rūnanga, Te Tapu o Tāne, Awarua Rūnanga, Ministry of Social Development, WellSouth, Ballance, HWR Richardson Group and E Tū.
The programme was run through Murihiku Regeneration by Mike Shatford and Jo Fitzgerald- and featured support from Winsborough, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, a number of guest speakers - including senior leaders from the New Zealand Army. Hokinga Whakaaro is a part of the Te Ara Aukati Kore Programme led by Murihiku Upoko Michael Skerrett and Ivan Hodgetts.
Terry Nicholas, Murihiku Regeneration Portfolio Director shared that, “this programme aims to help leaders identify and build on their strengths, develop goals and to also contribute back into the Murihiku community”. Terry also confirmed that, “the leadership programme for 2023 is now in development - and will focus on where the capability gaps are. Organisations and leaders looking to connect in either for assistance or to help, should talk with him directly”.
The next scheduled leadership activity for Murihiku Regeneration will be a focus around system leadership and will start with a Regional Leaders Hui on 14 December 2022 to look at priorities and challenges for 2023.
Posted: 11 November 2022