First Hui for Worker Transitions Working Group
Upoko Michael Skerrett and Te Aukati Kore Lead, Ivan Hodgetts convened the first hui for the Just Transition, Worker Transitions Working Group on Wednesday 23 February 2022.
This group is focussed on considering the needs of both current and future workforce as the region makes the transition through a changing social and economic landscape.
Murihiku Regeneration is leading this kaupapa and has formed a diverse working group to provide insight and perspective from local and central government agencies, schools, tertiary education, unions, the business community and rangatahi voice.
Ivan said “the first meeting was intended to bring the group together and confirm a shared understanding of the worker transition focus. The group are already very engaged in this opportunity to focus on looking to capture the opportunity presenting for our region and ensure local people are well supported”.
The group will be developing a workplan over the coming months. As a part of this process there will be opportunity for community and sector group input through a series of hui.
The working group members are:
- Michael Skerrett - Upoko
- Ivan Hodgetts - Programme Lead, Te Ara Aukati Kore
- Angelia Skerrett - Rangatahi Tumeke Tuakana - rangatahi voice
- Jo Brand - Hokonui Rūnanga
- Anna Huffstutler - E tū Union who will be joined by a Tiwai Smelter delegate
- Roger Beattie (Architect) - Beattie McDowall Achitects
- Raniera Dallas – Southern Institute of Technology
- Gerry Ward - Former Principal, Menzies College. Currently Learning Support Coordinator, Gore High School.
- Associate Prof Vivian Anderson – Dean, College of Education, Otago University.
- Emma Hamilton - Regional Labour Market Manager Ministry of Social Development
- Anne Pullar - Community Strategy Manager, Gore District Council
- Simon Richardson - James Hargest College and Chairperson Career and Transition Educators Association (Southland)
- Azi Bradshaw (Murihiku Regeneration) - Secretarial Support
Posted: 24 February 2022