Murihiku Regeneration sign Partnership Agreement with MSD
A signing ceremony on Wednesday 9 November saw Tā Tipene O’Regan and Steph Voight (MSD Regional Commissioner Southern) complete the Partnership Agreement between Murihiku Regeneration and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
“The importance of supporting our Murihiku communities and their social wellbeing at this time is fundamental to our Murihiku Regeneration mahi. This agreement with MSD will help us to move us another step closer to delivering to that purpose” said Tā Tipene O’Regan on the signing of this agreement.
Murihiku Regeneration and MSD have a shared interest in supporting the needs and aspirations of whānau and hāpori of Murihiku. Central to this is a whānau-centric approach to what we do, a sustainable, collaborative and cohesive social sector, and regional leadership that is joined up, collegial, and empowered to respond to the needs of the Murihiku hāpori.
The partnership focus areas include:
- Social sector and integration
- Regional system leadership
- Information and knowledge sharing
- Employment, skills and traning.
Posted: 12 November 2022